Thursday, January 26, 2012

american fuzzy lops

I am a dork. I admit this freely. I spend most of my time on the internet where I can nerd out over things like Harry Potter and LotR and Hunger Games, and whatever other fandom has caught my attention for the moment. But my dorkiness extends beyond the internet. Really, it started at an early age, and it hasn't seemed to have gone away. It's probably only gotten worse.

There is this thing, that a lot of people do, but that the great wide world seems completely ignorant about. That thing is rabbits. Yes, rabbits. People raise them and show them, and love them like they're little dogs. They are so cute and each has its own personality that either makes you love them or hate them. I've had rabbits that were the sweetest things ever, and then there was the one who decided he hated me for no reason (he didn't last long in our barn to say the least).

This hobby, though (and believe me, it's a hobby. You can't make real money breeding rabbits, maybe enough to break even if you're lucky and have amazing stock), it's weirdly isolating outside of it's own bubble. Rabbit people are awesome, but they're the only ones who will ever understand what you're talking about or why you love it as much as they do. None of my friends get it, and they just think it's this weird, cute personality habit of mine or something.

At the moment, I have no rabbits. I haven't had any since I was a senior in high school. We had to sell out when my parents moved and I went to college. Selling Eclipse, my baby, the only fuzzy lop I'd had since the day he was born, was hard. I'm sure he's dead now, but I still miss him.

Eclipse is the broken chestnut (on the far left). This picture was taken when they were about 3 weeks old. The other two are a broken black and a seal (which is not a recognized color in the ARBA)

It's hard not to have rabbits anymore. I mean, American Fuzzy Lops do take more work than other rabbits since you have to groom them twice a week generally, but they're so sweet. Eclipse would always come right up to me whenever I went out to see him.

This is probably all just coming up because there's a rabbit show this weekend and I want to go, but I also don't have any real reason to since at shows, you either show or you shop, and I can't have a rabbit right now, so it'd just be torture looking at all these things I can't buy. Ugh. I suppose I should focus on something else, but I can't help thinking about it anyway.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I Don't Know What I'm Doing

I don't know if anyone even reads this blog anymore and I never update, but that's mostly because I also have a facebook, tumblr, livejournal, wordpress, etc etc and the list goes on. Granted, I have cut down on the number of accounts I have in the past few years, but new ones always seem to sneak up.

Anyway, what I'm here to talk about now is writing. Yes, most of you know that I like to write in my spare time. I've been writing pretty constantly for the past seven years now. I've published (self-published, whatever) one novel and written over 300 other short stories. I've written six novels, and this year, 2012, is the year I'm finally going to Make. Stuff. Happen. Seriously.

As of Monday, I will be throwing caution to the wind and entering one of my novels in ABNA, the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. Now, I don't expect to get much further than maybe the second round, third if I'm lucky, but of course there's a tiny part of me that's hoping against hope I'll make it to the top three and even win. I'm trying to be realistic, though. My poor little novel. I'm gonna be spreading its wings and pushing it off a cliff! It's a little scary.

In the meantime, though, while that will be going on and I'll be sitting on my hands in antici.... pation, I've also jumped off the deep end into freelance writing. I started about two months ago and I've gotten six jobs so far. In a way, it's awesome because it's getting paid to write, which is one of the things I would love to do full time, but on the other hand, it takes away time from actually writing my own things. I have a list of writing things to do this year, most of which involves editing and rewriting and submitting. But to do that, I have to actually have time to do it.

The novel I'm submitting for ABNA, I wrote it in November. That sounds ridiculously fast considering here we are two months later. In the first two weeks of January, I took hours every day and tore the thing apart and then built it back up piece by piece. I have never been good at editing, mostly because I was always afraid of the delete button, but I bit the bullet and deleted entire sections that had nothing to do with the plot or the characters. I took a chopping ax to the chapters, and managed to fall completely in love with a single chapter (I don't know why I love this chapter so much but I do. It's perfect). I want to get this novel out there, to prove that I'm not just fiddling around aimlessly on my computer. Also, I want to get the eff out of this town and selling a book would get me enough money to do that.

I guess I should go work on my pitch instead of sitting here talking about it, to make sure I do actually get to round two. Adios.