Friday, July 29, 2011

on bathing dogs

What's the highest amount of dogs you've ever given a bath in one day? If you said zero or one, you're probably like most normal people out there. My number is twelve. Top that.

I don't mind bathing them, unless they try to bite me. Then it's not so enjoyable. My least favorite part is drying because it takes a long time, and if you don't know me, I'm not the most patient person and if things take too long, I speed them up or take shortcuts. Can't take shortcuts drying a dog. It's either dry or it's not and you have to keep going until it is.

The worst dog to bathe, you ask? Shepherds. They have a ton of hair and no matter how much you brush, there's still more to come off. I swear their owners never think of actually buying a brush and doing it themselves. There are these things called pet shops, and, gasp, they sell pet supplies such as brushes and nail clippers and shampoo. Yes, things other than food and toys. Hard to believe, I know.

I wonder how many I'll have to bathe tomorrow. Shall we try to break my new personal record? I'd rather not.

Friday, July 22, 2011

fill it with unleaded

When I was younger, I didn't think it was abnormal in any way to pull into a gas station and have an attendant come out and do the gas for you. I grew up thinking it was like that everywhere, and it wasn't until I was 12 and I went to D.C. that I realized it wasn't as normal as I thought.

In Oregon, you are not allowed to pump your own gas. When I moved to Arizona, I thought it was so strange having to do it yourself, and by the time I got my driver's license, I was sort of scared at the idea of doing it since I'd had so little experience.

Ten years later, I'm back living in Oregon and I find having someone pump my gas to be annoying and a pain sometimes. Unfortunately, it's one of those things you can't avoid. Oregon, I love you, but please, let me pump my own gas.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

don't judge me

I just went through and re-formatted all my gifs to under 500kb so I can use them all on tumblr.

This is my life.


Friday, July 15, 2011

harry potter and the deathly hallows, part two (no spoilers here)

So I went to the midnight showing last night.

I don't know how to feel. I almost feel as if I haven't absorbed a single thing from the movie. Like, I know I saw it. I watched it, going from "OMG SO EXCITE" to, "ugh, they changed crap again." But it doesn't feel as if. I mean, I don't even know. I feel so lost.

Harry Potter is over.

It's so... sad. It's been the past twelve years of my life. I've grown up with Daniel, Rupert, and Emma, and I just. I can't believe it. I haven't absorbed it. Well.

Here's a video that says it better than I can.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The downfalls of employment

I've often wondered what it's like to enjoy your work. I guess I'll be waiting a while to find out.

Flashback about eight years to high school and I'm in exactly the same place. Sometimes it feels like I've come so far only to end up exactly where I started.

I'm not going to talk about my job per say, but I'd like to talk about the things I've learned over the years doing this type of work - I work in a dog boarding kennel currently (just got the job last week), and I worked in a kennel in high school as well. First off, let's get rid of those misinterpretations that working in a kennel is super fun and you just play with dogs all day. It's not and you don't.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Alas! Earwax.

The last post was about Harry Potter and being unemployed. This one is about writing and being unemployed. Two things that you'd think would go hand in hand, but alas do not.

This month is something new: Camp NaNoWriMo.

You may remember last November when I attempted to write a 50k word novel. Well, what happened was I got to 50k words and then stopped. Just plain stopped writing despite the fact that the plot was only a third of the way in. I don't know why I stopped exactly. I reached the dreaded "middle section" in which things have to actually get done. Plots have to advance, you can no longer describe characters in long-winded details, there have to be hopes and dreams and regrets. My characters seem to have those, but they're having problems actually making them into something.

So what is Camp NaNo? It's a spin-off of the original in November, this time set in the balmy summer months of July and August (if you should so choose) in which you attempt another 50k word noveling experience. I had the brilliant thought that I should use whatever motivation this would give me to actually finish last year's novel (which hasn't been looked at since December. I am ashamed).

Well, it's day three of July and for the first time in seven months, I actually typed something into that document. It's difficult getting back into the story and the characters after so long, not to mention I've been working on a screenplay for the last two weeks, and getting out of screenwriter mode is extremely difficult.

I suppose what I'm getting at here is that I'm procrastinating writing... by writing this blog. Seriously. Worst writer ever.

In other news, yesterday I dreamt about French cheeses. I am going crazy.