Sunday, September 26, 2010


Yesterday I went to Lille for pretty much the first time ever. Sure, I stopped there for five minutes while changing trains, but it was hardly enough time to get a grasp of the city. This time, I went and met up with a few of the other language assistants.

Mostly what we did was wander, or as the french put it: qu'est-ce que tu fais toute la journee? - Moi, je flanne!

And we stumbled upon a few patisseries and there was the most delicious (at least I didn't put deliciours) lemon meringue tart. For those of you who aren't aware, I am a very big fan of tarts, specifically fruit tarts. If you ever go to Paris, you must go to Gerard Mulot patisserie and get a strawberry tart. It may be expensive (5e) but it's totally worth it.

I also spotted a bakery plein de macaroons. I will have to investigate further on my own. Ever since a friend posted a picture of macaroons from Paris last year, I've been thinking about them. I attempted to make my own this summer, but unfortunately, macaroons are extremely touchy desserts and mine did not form the correct way. Well, oh well. Baking is always a leap of faith.

Instead, I'll leave you with this picture. Maybe you'll want to come get macaroons with me next time?

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