Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A week before I leave for France. I've got copies upon copies upon copies of documents that I'll probably never use. I made so many copies for China and didn't use half of them. But France loves paperwork, so we must be prepared.

I, so far, have a place to live, even have the address. The google earth view puts it looking like a nice street - and when has google earth ever been wrong? Personally, I trust this non-humanoid tool to judge my life off of. Google has never lied to me yet! I shall be fairly disappointed if technology comes to disappoint me, because, as we all know, technology is never wrong, never breaks, never lies. Never. Just like television. It never lies either.

I'll be arriving in Belgium, and either taking a train to Lille or Arras, or my referente will be picking me up at the airport. I'm slightly nervous about an hour-ish long car ride in French. I haven't exactly been brushing up this summer. Instead, I've spent the time brushing up on my pop culture references and speech speed. I should have used the time to learn how to say "bake" in French (faire cuire au four in case you were wondering).

But tonight is the premiere of Gossip Girl, and they're, guess where? In France! I love irony.

This time next week, I'll be on a plane across the Atlantic ocean, and my only comfort is knowing that it's not a 12 hour flight like my last trans-continental flight. That was enough to put anyone off flying for a long time.

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